Farm House Salad

Here's a salad made with bread!

red onion, red bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, avocado, lime, French bread

Green:   cucumber, avocado, lime
Red:      onion, bell pepper, tomato
White:   French bread

Large bowl:
Tear 3 C French bread into bite size pieces and place in bowl.

Place each veggie in a medium bowl after it is chopped.
One slice onion, one slice bell pepper, 1 tomato
Peel, then slice and chop 1/2 cucumber

Add the contents of the medium bowl into the large bowl and toss gently.
Garnish with slices of avocado and lime.

More:  click here

heal, 2011may05, ID 190, ch 6, recipes, meals, farm house salad, French bread, avocado, cucumber, lunch